Imagen de la campaña promocional de los productos de ASISA Vida.

ASISA’s Vida insurance policies are being consolidated as the most competitive on the market

ASISA’s Vida insurance policies are the most competitive on the Spanish market for life insurance, according to the Comparative study of life risk insurance premiums 2021 prepared by Inese y Global Actuarial. The work has compared the products from 18 insurance companies and 6 “bancassurance” entities on different scenarios and using the mystery shopping research techniques. Since 2019, ASISA Vida has been one of the companies with the most competitive life insurance policies in Spain.

After analysing the results, the study concludes that ASISA Vida offers the best average premiums for the different ages and the capitals studied with the coverage for death and permanent total disability. Specifically, the study defines four profiles in terms of the age of the person contracting the policy (35, 40, 45 and 50 years) and some capitals (minimum capital of 30,000 euros, 120,000 euros and 200,000 euros). The saving by ASISA Vida compared to the average price of its competitors is over 144 euros per year. The study also reflects that the premiums for ASISA Vida Tranquilidad (Peaceful Life) are particularly advantageous for 50-year-old clients.

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