Estreno de la nueva campaña publicitaria

The release of the new advertising campaign

Last September, Assistència Sanitària launched its new advertising campaign, which emphasises accessibility and extends the offer of its services, particularly in unexpected or undesired situations. With the slogan “En tus momentos A, estamos contigo” (At your A! times, we are with you), it establishes an original link between different exclamations of surprise or pain and the capital letter A that identifies the organisation. Additionally, it puts the emphasis on its nature as a cooperative organisation formed by doctors who look after patients: “Tu salud es nuestro oficio” (Your health is our profession).

From the creative point of view, it uses an ingenious set of sounds that draw attention due to their simplicity and capacity for subtle emphasis. The campaign’s advertising effort is concentrated on several communication channels: commercials on television, radio, in the press, on buses and hoardings on the public streets, as well as posters and specific events in spotlighted sites, such as offices and branches of the company and the Hospital de Barcelona. 

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