SCIAS is holding its general assembly as a cooperative

SCIAS is holding its general assembly as a cooperative

The assembly took place on June 15th and was led by the out-going president of the cooperative, M. Àngels Font.

On the 15th of June this year, the Ordinary General Assembly of SCIAS took place in Barcelona, which was attended by the people forming part of the cooperative (with equal participation), to give sense to the healthcare cooperativism model of which it is an example. Prior to this, between the 27th of May and the 6th of June, the associates chose the representatives and the appropriate preliminary agreements were reached according to the corresponding boundaries and sectors. 

This time led by the out-going chairwoman of the cooperative, M. Àngels Font, the main functions of the General Assembly involved reviewing the overall management, distributing any surpluses, approving the annual accounts, choosing the new members of the Governing Board and other bodies and if such is the case, modifying the articles of association or different regulations.

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