
Why do we need to move away from coal as an energy source?

The recent agreement by the G7 to phase out coal as an energy source by 2035 is an important milestone in our journey towards a cleaner, more sustainable future.


Why do we need to move away from coal as an energy source?

The recent agreement by the G7 to phase out coal as an energy source by 2035 is an important milestone in our journey towards a cleaner, more sustainable future.


Traditional cardio vs. HIIT

We examine the main differences between these two modalities, and which one is your best choice, according to your goal, physical condition and the time you have available to train.

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What are the most common gastrointestinal diseases?

Four out of ten adults suffer from at least one gastrointestinal disorder. We will review which conditions are the most common diseases affecting the digestive system and how to identify them.


The most expensive baseball card in history

A Mickey Mantle baseball card became the most expensive in history in 2022 after selling for $12.6 million. If the amount left you speechless, wait until you hear its backstory.


What are the most common gastrointestinal diseases?

Four out of ten adults suffer from at least one gastrointestinal disorder. We will review which conditions are the most common diseases affecting the digestive system and how to identify them.


The most expensive baseball card in history

A Mickey Mantle baseball card became the most expensive in history in 2022 after selling for $12.6 million. If the amount left you speechless, wait until you hear its backstory.


Traditional cardio vs. HIIT

We examine the main differences between these two modalities, and which one is your best choice, according to your goal, physical condition and the time you have available to train.


How Chinese is the Chinese cuisine we enjoy in Spain?

Spring rolls, “three delights” fried rice and sweet and sour pork are the basic items on the menu at any Chinese restaurant in Spain. But did you know that none of these dishes are served in China?


How Chinese is the Chinese cuisine we enjoy in Spain?

Spring rolls, “three delights” fried rice and sweet and sour pork are the basic items on the menu at any Chinese restaurant in Spain. But did you know that none of these dishes are served in China?

In depth

Holidays that are more responsible

To fight against climate change, we need to change from a mass tourism model, based on consumption and exploitation of the landscape and resources, to other alternative ways, which are more environmentally-friendly.

Would reducing meat consumption make us more sustainable?

Have you ever wondered how much pollution is caused by the meat you eat? From the cattle lot to your table, the meat industry is one of the sectors that causes the most damage to…

Beneficial effects of the sea

Seas and oceans offer so much more than just breathtaking scenery. Explore how the marine environment can have an impact on your well-being.

Jet Lag: why it happens and how to avoid it?

‘Jet lag’, also known as circadian rhythm disorder, occurs when our internal clock becomes maladjusted due to a long-distance journey.

Marseille, a bright, seafaring port

Picturesque neighbourhoods, irresistible gastronomic proposals, enchanting coves and top level museums await you in the vibrant capital of Provence.

Hydration in the summer: way beyond just drinking water

Exposure to the sun that usually accompanies the arrival of good weather make the urgency of replacing lost liquids more important. Which other foods can be beneficial for us?

How to know which insect has stung you

We present to you a practical guide to recognize the bites of most common insects in summer.

Signs to show whether you are a helicopter parent

Overprotecting children can end up being counterproductive and make them not very self-sufficient and frightened. These are the risks of acting as helicopter parents.

How to make potato gnocchi at home

If you're looking for an easy and delicious Italian recipe to cook at home, potato gnocchi are sure to be a success. Here are the step-by-step instructions to make them from…

'Persepolis': a portrait of the East for westerners

Marjane Satrapi has been awarded with the Princess of Asturias Prize for a career devoted to defending human rights and freedom.

Marseille, a bright, seafaring port

Picturesque neighbourhoods, irresistible gastronomic proposals, enchanting coves and top level museums await you in the vibrant capital of Provence.

Hydration in the summer: way beyond just drinking water

Exposure to the sun that usually accompanies the arrival of good weather make the urgency of replacing lost liquids more important. Which other foods can be beneficial for us?

How to know which insect has stung you

We present to you a practical guide to recognize the bites of most common insects in summer.

Signs to show whether you are a helicopter parent

Overprotecting children can end up being counterproductive and make them not very self-sufficient and frightened. These are the risks of acting as helicopter parents.

How to make potato gnocchi at home

If you're looking for an easy and delicious Italian recipe to cook at home, potato gnocchi are sure to be a success. Here are the step-by-step instructions to make them from scratch.

'Persepolis': a portrait of the East for westerners

Marjane Satrapi has been awarded with the Princess of Asturias Prize for a career devoted to defending human rights and freedom.