
Benzodiazepines are a medicine of the hypnosedative group, often prescribed as a muscle relaxant and a solution to sleep problems due to their…
The role of society and people around the addicted patients is crucial in the recovery process. These are the organisations playing a key role in…
Among the legalised drugs most widely consumed by the Spanish population, alcohol and tobacco stand out. 2 substances which are increasingly being…
Addictions are a chronic health problem that generates changes in people’s lives. Excessive consumption of certain substances causes significant…
Behavioural addictions have in common that there is no intake of any intoxicating substance; however, their symptoms are just as severe as any…
Did you know...?
Claude Martin was a soldier of the British East India Company who, after developing symptomatic signs of bladder stones, decided to operate on…
Today's News
A global study published in the 'Sleep Health' journal recorded that only 15% of the participants were getting the recommended hours of sleep.
Burns are one of the most common household accidents. In this article, we'll tell you the most important steps to take when dealing with any type of…
Health in spring
Spain is one of the European countries with the highest prevalence of obesity: more than 60% of people are overweight.
94% of young adults (between 35-45 years) in Spain have tooth decay, a percentage that increases to the entire population when they reach the age of…
Travel safe
Before embarking on a trip, it is recommended to consult with the medical service, especially if the destination is exotic, you are going to visit a…

The word cesarean is referred to in several different historical origins. The most widespread reverence dates back to the birth of Julius…