The use of headphones is part of most people's daily lives. However, there is a lack of awareness of the impact they can have on hearing health.
health at work
Sitting for long hours in front of a computer can take its toll in the long term. Find out how to prevent and identify the most frequent injuries…
health in winter
At this time of year, colds and flu are widespread, and a cough can be one of the most apparent symptoms. Learn how to treat or relieve it depending…
Health in winter
Vitamin D is mainly synthesised in the skin thanks to sunlight, although it can also be obtained through certain foods and pharmacological…
health in winter
Find out why blood pressure rises in winter, how it can affect you, what the warning signs are and what preventive steps can you take.
health in winter
Vaccines are essential for the prevention of serious diseases and to maintain lifelong immunity. Find out about the most highly recommended vaccines…
health IN WINTER
Cold weather heralds the onset of seasonal influenza. Are you susceptible to such illnesses? This routine could minimise your chances of catching the…
Discover the safest and healthiest cleaning method, recommended by ear specialists, to prevent infection and earaches.
Frequently Asked Questions
More than 1,120,000 people donated blood in Spain in 2023. Would you like to donate? Here are all the steps you need to follow to become a blood…
Current News
Advances in the disease include antiretroviral treatment, which prevents transmission, and the elimination of mother-to-child transmission in 19…
Current news
A conversation between two professors from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) contemplates some of the positive effects of eating chocolate in…
Current News
A new analysis system can detect the presence of bacteria in the urine and carry out the antimicrobial sensitivity tests in just forty-five minutes.