
4 tips for beating allergies

Here we share some mechanisms for alleviating the most annoying symptoms of allergic diseases or steps to take to avoid the more serious crises.

The most important tip when you think you might be suffering from an allergy is to visit an allergist. However, the variety of this type of disease may be overwhelming. Spring is usually a complicated time for those who suffer from pollen allergies, an ailment that affects almost 8 million Spaniards. People living in urban areas suffer most, as pollution accentuates the effect. Here we offer some tips that could be useful if you suffer from any allergic disease, caused by indoor, outdoor or food allergens.

1. Isolate

To minimise the symptoms linked to allergic diseases caused by outdoor allergens, such as pollen, it is advisable to remain in closed places during the most intense pollination periods, use face masks, clean the filters in your car, wash your hands and face frequently, take special care on stormy and windy days, ventilate the house for a short time, preferably at midday and do not hang the washing to dry outside.

2. Hygiene

If you suffer from an allergic disease caused by indoor allergens, such as dust mites or animal epithelium, it is important to follow certain hygiene guidelines. Regularly removing dust, not having ornaments that could collect dust, changing bed linen and curtains frequently or using vacuum cleaners with HEPA filter may all be effective measures.

3. Prevention

People who suffer from food allergies must be very aware of what they eat and drink. If you have suffered from a serious reaction previously, it is advisable to wear a medical warning bracelet or necklace that allows others to know that you have a food allergy. This will be useful if you suffer a reaction and cannot communicate this fact at the time.

4. Medication

Antihistamines counteract the symptoms of allergic diseases, but they are not considered to "cure" them. Therefore, it seems logical to take them “on demand” in terms of the allergic symptoms. However, many allergic diseases, such as hay fever or hives can last over a long period of time and may benefit from continuous treatment. Consequently, the decision to indicate a treatment will ultimately depend on the doctor.

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