Maleta de viaje

Travel and health

If we want our holidays to be healthy and safe, it is important to review the areas to visit and consider various factors such as the type of trip, the duration and the vaccinations recommended to visit those countries.

BY Àngela Zorrilla | 10 July 2023

Whenever a trip is planned, it is important to look for updated information on the situation of the areas that we will visit, to avoid being involved in conflicts, adverse weather conditions or unwanted diseases. And it is that the pathologies and health problems vary according to the country. In recent times, socio-cultural changes and improved technology are encouraging, among other factors, international travel to increase significantly. This exposes people to new health risks in different environments than usual. The World Health Organization recalls that millions of people travel each year for professional, social, recreational or humanitarian purposes, and all of them must prepare for the variety of risks to which they may be exposed. And they must do it before, during and after the trip. 

To avoid diseases that are common in other countries, such as malaria or yellow fever, it is important to take all the necessary precautions when traveling. In this line, the study 10 diseases to take into account in post-pandemic tourism, by the iO Foundation, allows a graph of the most representative to be drawn up. The main “traveling” pathologies are, with 73%, those transmitted by mosquitoes such as malaria, zika or dengue. Followed by far, those transmitted by food consumed, such as hepatitis A or cholera, and diseases transmitted by animals, such as rabies.


Disease transmitters

Knowledge is power

The Government provides various recommendations and guides that can be very useful before embarking on the trip. It is important, for example, to know in advance the health situation by country and their vaccination requirements. In addition, beyond recommendations depending on the country of destination, there is also the possibility of registering in the register of travelers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This facilitates the location of people outside the Spanish borders in case of emergency.

Vaccine map


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