El mural de la oficina de ASISA en Lisboa explica la evolución de Lavinia Sociedad Cooperativa y las empresas del Grupo ASISA en una línea de tiempo.

The ASISA Group is diversifying its activity

Lavinia, the sole shareholder in ASISA, held its 44th Assembly and reaffirmed the company’s core strategies for the next few years.

Lavinia Sociedad Cooperativa, the sole shareholder in ASISA, held its 44th Ordinary General Assembly where it analysed the company’s evolution and results and it reaffirmed the core strategies for the next few years. For the first time, the assembly was held using telematic means due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Assembly analysed the consequences caused by the pandemic in the ASISA Group’s activities, as well as in the sectors where it develops its activity (insurance and healthcare) and in the countries where the company is present (particularly Portugal, Italy, Brazil, Mexico and the Arab Emirates.) In order to face up to this situation, the ASISA Group will maintain the diversification plans for its activity and it will speed up its digital transformation to make management more efficient and to guarantee its policyholders and patients’ care. Likewise, the Group will maintain its commitment to the development of its own care network and it will continue to seek out opportunities to develop new international projects.

Response to the virus

“The pandemic has hit our society with an unprecedented harshness. It is still too early to take stock and draw a correct future picture regarding the consequences of this public health crisis, with its deep economic repercussions. In the case of the ASISA Group, the crisis has affected us both in the insurance field and in the care area and our goal from the very beginning has been to collaborate in the containing and treatment of the disease, guaranteeing employee safety and giving health cover to all our policyholders,” explained Doctor Francisco Ivorra, chairman of the ASISA Group, during the General Assembly.

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