Breves assitencia

Brief news Assistència Sanitària

Best Hospitals 2021 ranking

The Hospital de Barcelona has been included in the Best Hospitals 2021 ranking, which in its Spanish edition includes the best public and private hospitals according to prestige and care quality criteria. The international study was published by Newsweek magazine. Part of this recognition is due to the commitment to the continuous training of healthcare teams. According to data from the Education Commission, in 2020 over 17,000 hours of training were carried out in the Hospital de Barcelona. In spite of the cancelling of some external conferences and courses, the adaptation to the online modality favoured an extra 3,000 hours being carried out compared to the previous year.

Special programme in Betevé

Barcelona’s television station, Betevé, showed a special programme devoted to the analysis and management of the pandemic, with the participation of Assistència Sanitària. Dr. Ignacio Orce, chairmen of ASC, intervened to defend public-private collaboration in healthcare and demanded the recognition of the indispensable contribution made by private healthcare during these months. In this context, at the beginning of 2021, the Hospital de Barcelona had already attended 1,930 Covid-19 patients. Last March, the same television station broadcasted a report on the creation of SCIAS and the Hospital de Barcelona in its informative programme “Va pasar aqui” (It’s going to happen here), which attempts to bring the history of Barcelona closer to its inhabitants.

El Dr. Ignacio Orce, presidente de ASC, intervino en Betevé


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