Noticias breves

Brief news Fundación Espriu

Social Economy companies, such as Asisa or Assistència Sanitària have an added socio-economic impact that is inherent to the differential behaviour that mark out their principles and values. The study Analysis of the socio-economic impact of the values and principles of the Social Economy in Spain, quantifies the company’s profits in 6,229 million euros per year, as well as identifying inclusive job creation as one of the main features of the success of this business model.


The book, La Economía Social en el Mediterráneo (Social Economy in the Mediterranean) is a broad compendium of the capacities, the dimension and the potential of the Social Economy through opinions by representatives of the Spanish Government, European institutions and international organisations and business leaders. Dr. Carlos Zarco, General Manager for the Fundación Espriu contributed to its publication with the chapter ‘The health cooperative movement in Spain and the world.’.

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