The international conference emphasised the role of cooperatives in building a more sustainable and equitable future.
Fundación Espriu
The congress took place in the city of Kalamata on June 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, and was attended by numerous organizations from the health sector.
Fundación Espriu
The General Assembly of Cooperatives Europe, held in Norway, addressed multiple debates.
Fundación Espriu
On July 1, millions of people around the world celebrated the International Day of Cooperatives, the event that annually recalls the values and…
Fundación Espriu
The UN asks states to create their own legal frameworks and tax incentives for social economy companies.
Fundación Espriu
The consequences of the war in Ukraine are catastrophic, from the human point of view, as well as economically and socially. After many months of…
Fundación Espriu
The Law on cooperation for sustainable development was passed by overall majority in the Congress.
Fundación Espriu
El director de la Fundación Espriu, el Dr. Carlos Zarco, participa en la Cumbre Cooperativa de las Américas
Assistència sanitària
The collaboration with the NGO has allowed medical material to be acquired to help in Ukraine, Nigeria and the Central African Republic
The ‘PERTE’ increases the importance of the social economy in the GDP by 1% and it involves twelve ministries.
This legislation has been a key factor since its approval used to promote the Social Economy Promotion Plan, the Spanish Social Economy Strategy and…
A new report by IHCO illustrates the many ways in which cooperatives make a difference in reaching the Sustainable Development Goal No. 3, Good…