Can the use of headphones lead to hearing loss?
The use of headphones is part of most people's daily lives. However, there is a lack of awareness of the impact they can have on hearing health.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that more than one billion young adults are at risk of suffering avoidable and permanent hearing loss. This is due to unsafe listening practices, such as exposure to loud sounds, among other factors.
Many people voluntarily expose themselves to dangerous levels of sound in recreational settings. For example, listening through headphones or loudspeakers at concerts, discotheques or sporting events. This prolonged or recurrent exposurecan lead to irreversible damage to hearing, as it affects the auditory sensory cells and other structures in the inner ear.
Hearing loss or hearing impairment is defined as a decrease in the ability to hear. It can affect one or both ears, and there are different degrees depending on the percentage of hearing loss. Ageing and excess earwax can affect hearing. However, there are also modifiable risk factors, such as early detection and proper treatment of hearing conditions, inadequate use of certain medications and exposure to loud noise.
Types of headphones
There are different types of headphones on the market, which can be classified into three groups:
- In-ear earphones These are earphones that are inserted into the ear canal, which means that the source of the sound is closer to the eardrum.
- Supra-aural or on-ear headphones. These are headphones that rest on the ear. They can be uncomfortable, as they put pressure on the outer ear.
- Circumaural or over-ear headphones. This type of headset rests around the outer ear. They block outside sound better, creating a feeling of isolation when worn. As a result, it is not necessary to turn up the volume as much.
Tips to prevent hearing loss due to headphone use
To use headphones safely, it is important to keep in mind the following points:
- Keep an eye on the volume. It is advisable not to turn the volume up more than halfway.
- Do not use headphones too long. It is crucial not to use them for long periods of time - experts recommend less than an hour at a time - and to take breaks to rest your ears.
- Avoid earphones that block the ear canal, i.e. in-ear headphones. Instead, circumaural headphones are more advisable, as they completely cover the outer ear.
- Use noise-cancelling headphones. These allow you to cancel external noise and therefore hear the sound you’re playing better. This prevents the need to turn up the volume.
- Do not share headphones. Good headphone hygiene is also important to avoid ear infections. Furthermore, cleaning your ears properly and regularly is recommended.
For all these reasons, it is essential to take action to prevent ear and hearing problems. For example, by making proper use of headphones when listening to music, series, films, etc.