What is the goose foot?
If this is the first time you've heard of this anatomical structure, don't worry, we'll explain what it is, what the most frequent injuries that can affect this area are and how to avoid them.
Although the name may sound a bit peculiar, the goose foot is where three tendons meet, connected to three muscles: the sartorius, the gracilis and the semitendinosus, whose main function is to allow us to bend and straighten our knee, as well as enabling internal and external rotation. This anatomical structure is located on the inner side of the knee and owes its name to its unique inverted V-shape, which resembles a goose's leg. A synovial bursa is also located in this region, whose function is to cushion impact and reduce friction. Because these muscles share a conjoined tendon insertion, inflammation of any of these muscles can trigger knee pain. As a result, this area is particularly prone to injuries such as enthesitis, bursitis and, most commonly, tendonitis.
How can I know if I suffer from goose foot tendonitis?
Goose foot tendonitis, also known as anserine tendonitis, is one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries. Its main symptom is pain that may become more intense when walking up or down stairs, sitting for long periods or at night. In addition, the patient may experience local swelling, oedema and tenderness in the affected area.
Although this condition can affect anyone at some point in their life, people who are active in sports such as running, skiing, cycling or football are more prone to this condition, due to the repetitive flexion and extension movements of the knee. Other common causes include overloaded thigh muscles, being overweight, lumbar back problems, direct trauma to the area due to impact or falls, arthritis and biomechanical knee
How can goose foot tendonitis be prevented?
It is important to strengthen the muscles in the area and avoid behaviour that could overload our knee. In sports, particularly, prevention is key. To avoid anserine tendonitis, it is essential to wear the right footwear, maintain correct form during physical activity and not skip pre-exercise warm-ups, which should include stretching and joint mobility exercises. It is also crucial to allow our body to recover properly after training, giving it enough time to rest and avoiding overexertion.
What should we do if we think we might be suffering from anserine tendonitis?
The first step when faced with such an injury should be to consult a qualified healthcare professional to obtain an accurate diagnosis and establish the best course of treatment. Under no circumstances should we attempt to self-diagnose. In the initial stages, it is recommended to apply ice to the affected area to reduce inflammation and, once assessed by a specialist, treatment will generally include rest, physiotherapy sessions and muscle strengthening exercises. However, in the most severe cases, surgery may be necessary.
During recovery, the guidance of a physiotherapist is essential to ensure proper rehabilitation and minimise the risk of exacerbating the condition. Among the most effective techniques for this injury is the use of ultrasound treatment, which helps reduce pain and inflammation, promoting the recovery of damaged tissue.
To conclude, goose foot tendonitis is a very common injury that can affect both sportspeople and people with risk factors such as overweight, biomechanical problems or arthritis. Early diagnosis and proper treatment, including rest, physiotherapy and strengthening our muscles, are key to achieving an effective recovery and preventing further complications. If we feel acute pain in our knee, we should see a specialist and, if goose foot tendinitis is the diagnosis, then follow a supervised rehabilitation plan enabling us to eventually return to our usual activity, pain-free and with less risk of relapse.