7 libros para la primavera

7 books for the spring

The complicated decisions that a government must take when faced with a global pandemic; the anecdotes of a doctor hardened by a thousand battles; the harmonic conjunction between the physical, mental and emotional bodies; a guide that responds to all the questions of first time parents and reflective writings that inform about the latest research on sugar consumption, particularly in children. This is some of the reading matter that we recommend for relaxing, learning and enjoying this spring.  


Un año a corazón abierto

A corazón abierto

Oriol Mitjà
Ediciones Destino
19,90 €

Understanding the ins and outs of how the pandemic was managed. This is what the epidemiologist Oriol Mitjà proposes with this book. On the 13th of March, 2020 a household lockdown was announced due to the worldwide pandemic that would change our lives. Mitjà, who on many occasions faced up to the different political authorities about their management of the healthcare crisis, talks to us about his origins, about how his vocation arose, about his cutting edge research against coronavirus and about his difficulties to manage to ensure that the scientific criteria were adopted by governments which had been overwhelmed by the circumstances.


Las experiencias de un médico para todo

Francisco Coronel Díaz

Francisco Coronel Díaz
Círculo Rojo
14,50 €

As a healthcare professional in the famous ‘Casas de Socorro’ in Madrid, which have now disappeared; as a private doctor for artistes and all types of famous celebrities; as a specialist in nephrology at the Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid or even as a military doctor. Francisco Coronel Diaz tells the story of his long career, in an easily-readable way, full of anecdotes that are both interesting and curious. Experiences of a long professional career marked by the diverse jobs that he had to accept for economic reasons.


El pasajero interior

El pasajero interior

Inma Nogués
16,95 €

We know that we are much more than a physical body, but our own constitution continues to be a true mystery. Using this concern as a starting point, the research by Doctor Nogués opens up a new route that integrates scientific and medical knowledge with the ‘ageless wisdom’ of certain millenary spiritual writings and traditions. This book leads us to a holistic view of the human being as a physical body, a mental body and an emotional body. Additionally, it gives us tools to harmonise these bodies with that which defines us and that some people also call soul: our inner passenger.


Dos pediatras en casa

Dos pediatras en casa

Elena Blanco y Gonzalo Oñoro
17,95 €

The little one has arrived home and now a stage that is both equally marvellous and stressful is about to start. No mother or father is ready for all the questions that start to arise just by looking at the baby: Which is the best position for sleeping? Is a bath necessary every day? Can I take my baby out for a walk, even though it is cold? What is this cough and this runny nose?, What do I do if they have a temperature? …  An endless list of questions that are answered in ‘Dos pediatras en casa’,  a complete manual about children’s health to settle any doubts and to prevent first-time parents from becoming desperate, by  two Spanish references in paediatrics.


Piel sana in corpore sano

Piel sana in corpore sano

Andrea Combalia
18,90 €

How does stress affect our skin? How can we know whether a mole is malignant? How often should we wash our hair? The book by Andrea Combalia, a dermatologist with over 50,000 followers on her digital magazine ‘Piel sana in corpore sano,’ responds to these and many other questions that we regularly ask ourselves. From wrinkles to blemishes. An invitation to live in a healthy way, preventing certain diseases and getting to know (and look after) our body’s largest visible organ: the skin, which envelops and protects us. All of this with a great deal of practical advice within everyone’s reach.


Resetea tu mente

Resetea tu mente

Mario Alonso Puig
19,90 €

We are often faced with challenges where we have to act calmly, enthusiastically and confidently if we want to turn these into extraordinary opportunities for learning and personal growth. In ‘Resetea tu mente’, doctor Mario Alonso Puig shows us surprising (and at times unknown) aspects of the fascinating relationship that exists between brain, mind and what happens to us. The prestigious author also shows us how to awaken the great slumbering potential that we have inside ourselves, in order to increase self-esteem and potentiate skills such as intelligence or creativity. 


Stop azúcar

Stop azúcar

Michael Goran y Emily Ventura
19,90 €

A reflection on how and what we feed our children. This is what Michael Goran, a researcher in child nutrition and Emily Ventura, a public health educator propose. In their research they discover that an excess of sugar does not only cause child obesity, but it also causes health problems in children who are not overweight. Also, it is likely to be one of the culprits behind a large part of children’s behavioural, emotional and learning problems. Essential reading for parents and educators that will help to identify misleading sources of sugar and proposing varied, healthy recipes.    

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