Breves assitencia

Brief news Assistència Sanitària

Chistmas cards


Christmas cards with values from the heart.

Every year, the companies from the Assistència Group collaborate with organisations from the Third Sector to create Christmas cards. The users of the Icària special work centre are responsible for the designing, production and handling of this year’s Christmas card. Icària, established in Barcelona in 1976, is an organisation that works for the inclusion of disabled people and other groups at risk of exclusion. Currently, it has 104 workers and 226 people being cared for.



Consulting room for sexually transmitted diseases.

In order to give a categorical, effective response to the increase in sexually transmitted diseases, Assistència Sanitària and the Hospital de Barcelona have started up a specialised service that offers confidentiality and experience in this area. The consulting room has unified criteria, up-dated protocols and it works online with the rest of the organisation’s medical staff, as well as with the laboratories from the Hospital de Barcelona and BIOPAT’s microbiology services.

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Sustainable Holidays