Harvard: from the pyramid to the plate

Harvard: from the pyramid to the plate

Nutrition experts remember that you should not follow drastic weight loss diets, but incorporate good habits and follow a balanced diet with healthy ingredients.

BY Àngela Zorrilla | 04 July 2023

Undoubtedly, one of the most popular healthy eating proposals is known as the Harvard Plate, a healthy and balanced diet model that was created by nutrition experts from the Harvard School of Public Health. 

This guide recommends that half of the plate should be made up of vegetables and fruits, trying to incorporate the maximum variety –and colors– possible. On the other hand, a quarter of the plate could be whole grains such as quinoa, whole wheat or barley and, finally, the other free percentage is dedicated to protein such as fish, chicken, nuts or legumes. As for drinks, this proposal prioritizes water, coffee or tea and remember that it is best to avoid sugary drinks.  


Following this argument, the Mediterranean diet is another model of healthy and balanced eating that is based on the consumption of foods of plant origin, using foods of animal origin in moderation. This type of diet recommends increasing the consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals and, above all, including olive oil in the diet. 

It is considered one of the healthiest eating patterns in the world and, specifically, the WHO points out that it is directly associated with a lower mortality rate, thanks to its effects on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, cognitive diseases, type 2 diabetes and cancer, among others. 

An example: the Mediterranean diet uses olive oil as the main fat and this, being a food rich in vitamin E, beta-carotene and monounsaturated fatty acids, has cardioprotective properties.



The role of the nutritionist

On numerous occasions, visiting the nutritionist is associated solely with weight loss. This figure tends to be seen as a person who measures, weighs and establishes a strict diet. But nothing is further from this popular belief. In fact, nutritionists are trusted experts who can help you understand the path to healthy eating. Their role is to accompany and guide, with the sole purpose of improving people’s health. For this reason, these qualified professionals prepare unique nutritional plans that are adapted to each patient, because each of them will have a specific goal and objectives.


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