How to bring down a fever in children
Body temperature varies throughout the day, but it generally is established at around 37 degrees and it is regulated through an internal structure called the hypothalamus. When this structure notes the presence of any type of infection (viral, bacterial and/or fungal) it activates a protection mechanism through the increase in body temperature to fight the infection, which usually reproduces and survives at stable temperatures. Fever is, therefore, what we call this response of the immune system to the reproduction of germs.
When to go to the doctor?
•If the patient is a baby under the age of three months.
•If the child has an intense headache, repeated vomiting or has difficulty breathing.
•If red marks appear on the skin that do not disappear when pressed.
What to do at home?
1.Remove clothing and ventilate the place where the patient is.
2.Apply wet cloths to the head, groin and armpits. The child may also be bathed in warm water.
3.Have them drink fluids frequently.
4.If the pain persists, administer paracetamol or ibuprofen, following the dosage recommended by a doctor.
It is important to remember
Fever or a high temperature is not dangerous in itself, the danger lies in the infection it is responding to; therefore, it is more important to discover the type of microbe that is attacking the system. If there is no physical and/or emotional reaction shown by the infected child, we should not become obsessed with bringing the temperature down. The only goal should be to alleviate any symptom of pain.