Assistència Sanitària lanza el segundo plan de aplazamiento del pago de recibos por el coronavirus

Assistència Sanitària is launching the second invoice payment postponement plan due to Coronavirus

Assistència Sanitària is upholding its categorical commitment to beating coronavirus and minimising its effects on citizens, adapting to the current situation and quickly implanting steps. For this reason, continuing with the plan started last spring, people affected by furloughing or unemployed and self-employed workers who have recorded drops in income as a result of the economic effects of Covid-19, can apply for the cost-free postponement of the invoices for the months of March, April and May for their health insurance.

Taking health insurance as a basic service, and even more so in the current context, Assistència Sanitària wants to help its insured population in this exceptional situation and it is giving priority to responding to the needs of each particular case. To benefit from the new flexibilisation plan, which completely maintains the policy’s cover and conditions, those interested just have to access the private area of the web site and fill in an invoice postponement application form with the corresponding accrediting documentation. 

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