Josep Maria Llobet, Juli de Nadal y Maria Dolors Sintes

Award for civic action for the promotion of health

The Catalan Solidarity Center receives the Ramon de Teserach prize

The Therapeutic and educational work program to promote the health and well-being of drug addicts, of the Catalan Solidarity Center (CECAS), received the Ramon de Teserach 2023 prize on May 23, awarded by the Academy of Medical and Health Sciences of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, with the collaboration of Assistència Sanitària. 

With the insurer as a protective member, the relationship between both organizations is close and demonstrates their harmony in defending medical professionals and the introduction of measures that allow a universal improvement in health. The insurer’s corporate social responsibility program, aligned with the award-winning project, focuses on values ​​such as solidarity, respect, friendship and responsibility, always with the guiding axis of medicine and the well-being of people.

The Catalan Solidarity Center (“Centre Català de Solidaritat”, CECAS) is a private non-profit foundation dedicated to caring for people with drug addiction, especially those who are in a situation of social exclusion, with biopsychosocial and re-educational treatments for drug addiction, also considering the derived pathologies.

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