
Brief news ASISA

ASISA view

The pandemic has changed many aspects of our society. To analyse these changes and try to understand the magnitude of their consequences, Fundación ASISA has organised a cycle of webinars titled “The ASISA View: a strict approach to the pandemic”, in which specialists from the different university professorships that make up the AISA University Professorship Network have debated the impact of the epidemic in different areas. In this way, the Fundación ASISA seeks to pass on the views from the academic world to society to encourage an informed, calm debate that allows the reality to be rigorously analysed and to alleviate the uncertainty that coronavirus has caused.

Dra. Inmaculada Isabel Fernández de Alba and dra. Adela Sáez

Doctoralia Awards.

The doctors from the Hospital HLA Inmaculada, Isabel Fernández de Alba, specialising in Allergology and Adela Sáez, General Surgeon and Coordinator of the General Area of Surgery of the HLA in Granada, have won the ‘Doctoralia Awards 2020’, as the best professionals in their respective specialities. These awards are a recognition for the work carried out by health professionals and they are selected according to patients’ assessments and voted on by their professional colleagues, based on criteria of performance, curriculum and experience.

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