El Dr. Enrique de Porres, consejero delegado de ASISA (derecha), recoge el certificado de manos de Nicolás Henríquez, director comercial de AENOR.

Certification of the ASISA Group’s protocols against Covid-19 throughout its care network

AENOR certifies that the Group has taken all the necessary measures to guarantee the safety of its employees and patients.

The ASISA Group is the first healthcare company that has certified its Covid-19 protocols throughout its care network and its own offices. The certifier company, AENOR has carried out an exhaustive auditing process, confirming that the group has taken all the necessary steps to guarantee the health of its employees and patients. The company’s businesses subjected to the audit were all the hospitals and medical centres belonging to the HLA Hospital Group, the medical centres belonging to ASISA, ASISA Dental, ASISA Care, UR Group, Oftalvist and Analiza. “This certification shows our response capacity to face up to the healthcare crisis we are suffering. For the ASISA Group, the safety of our employees and patients is the most important point. The compliance of the protocols and the application of the steps and recommendations indicated against the coronavirus is the best way to stop its propagation and to collaborate in the control of the pandemic,” affirmed Dr. Enrique de Porres, CEO and chairman of the ASISA Group’s Quality Committe.. 

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