La unidad cooperativa de la OIT cumple 100 años

The cooperative unit of the ILO celebrates its 100th birthday

It is estimated that over 279 million people in the world belong to cooperatives, contributing to promote the work.

In 1919, the International Labour Organization (ILO) was established, a representational forum of governments, workers and employers that had to establish labour policies that encouraged decent work. A year later, in 1920, the governing council of the international organism created the unit specialising in cooperatives, ILO COOP, which since then has worked to promote this business model.

Amongst the milestones reached over these 100 years, the approval of recommendation 193 of the ILO in 2002 stands out, a text that has become the international instrument that guides States and governments in the design and application of the policies and laws that affect the development of cooperatives. 

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