El jurado de los premios ASISA-UAM junto a los premiados, varios directivos de ASISA y el Dr. Jaime Siegrist, ponente en el acto de entrega de los premios.

Fundación ASISA awards the prizes and fellowships of its university chairs

Fundación ASISA awarded the prizes and fellowships of the university chairs that the company holds with the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), the Universidad Europea and the Universidad de Lerida in the areas of Healthcare Management and Health, Health Sciences and Education and Quality of Life, respectively. With these acknowledgements, ASISA intends to promote research and collaborate in the training of different professionals and in the development of innovative projects that allow both knowledge and healthcare management to be improved.


In the 2019 edition, the Prize for the Best Doctoral Thesis of the UAM-ASISA University Chair, which reached its 15th edition, acknowledged the Study of the hospital disease burden associated with malignant neoplasm and carcinoma in the anogenital area in Spain”, carried out by Dr. Noelia López Malpartida.
Regarding the Mejor Trabajo sobre Gestión Sanitaria y Economía de la Salud (Best Work on Healthcare Management and Health Economics), published in specialised magazines, this was granted to the work Cost-effectiveness of Carotid Surgery, signed by doctors Sandra Vicente Jiménez, Pilar Carrasco, Gil Rodriguez, Manuel Doblas, Antonio Orgaz, Angel Flores, Manuel Maynar, José A. González-Fajardo and Juan Fontcuberta. This research was published in the magazine Annals of Vascular Surgery.

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