Natàlia Mimó, supervisora de enfermería de la unidad medicoquirúrgica del Hospital de Barcelona

“Individualisms have been put to one side and we have all pulled together”

All the professionals at the Hospital de Barcelona have worked very hard to cope with the healthcare crisis. Natàlia Mimó is the Nursing Supervisor of the Medical-Surgical Unit at the Hospital de Barcelona and she was on the front line in the fight against Covid-19. She admits that she is isn’t frightened of coronavirus, “personally, fear paralyses me and now, we have to act,” she states. She explains “I am concerned about the patients, their families, my own family, my work colleagues and my friends. We are dealing with a more or less unknown disease, and therefore, you have the uncertainty as to how everything will evolve.” 


Mimó is concerned about the patients because their “situation is very complicated. Normally, they are in hospital for long periods and they are alone in their rooms, without the company of any close relations. Many of them are frightened, anxious and finding it difficult to sleep. These are all aspects that the entire team works on every day to minimise.” Because according to Mimó, “managing emotions is essential in these cases.”

Regarding the containment of the pandemic, she affirms that the lockdown of the population as a result of the State of Alarm has been a key factor. “The number of contagions has decreased. These were occurring exponentially, with the risk of saturating the healthcare system,” the expert acknowledges. The work performed in primary health care should also be underscored. “I am convinced that an incredible job has been done transporting patients to the hospitals. In our case, Assistència Sanitària made a free consultation telephone service available to all citizens to guide and answer any queries about Covid-19. Our patients have made good use of the hospital’s Emergency Department and also a telephone monitoring service was set up for all the patients who had symptoms compatible with Covid-19 and who were in their homes or who did not need to be admitted to hospital.”

Regarding the tokens of appreciation and solidarity by the population made to healthcare workers, she is very grateful for them, repeating that her profession’s vocation is the same as ever: caring for the patients. “We have transformed our hospitals and we are focused on fighting a disease, but the emphasis remains on caring.” The pandemic has also modified working methods, “now we work as a team; individualisms have been put to one side and we have all pulled together.”

Healthcare personnel are the group that has been worst hit by Covid-19, an aspect that has not stopped them from working. “We are on the front line and therefore, we have a greater risk of contagion. For this reason, we have personal protection equipment (PPE) and universal hygiene steps.” Accordingly, the Hospital de Barcelona “has worked very hard to have all the material for the patients and to ensure that the professionals could work safely.” 

Who she is? 

Natàlia Mimó is the Nursing Supervisor for the Medical-Surgical unit at the Hospital de Barcelona. 

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