Estudios Cooperativos

The School of Cooperative Studies is celebrating its 50th anniversary

The School of Cooperative Studies celebrated its 50 years of existence during the 4th International Congress on the 27th and 28th of May this year. An event that was organised jointly with the Association of Cooperative Studies (AECOOP in its Spanish initials) and the Professorship for Social Entrepreneurship at the Madrid Complutense University.

The congress was also the setting for the prize-giving ceremony for the Innovation and Teaching Awards, a tribute to the recently deceased professor Juan José Sanz Jarque and the social recognition as honorary members of AECOOP of Alejandro Barahona Riber, Fernando Elena Díaz, Andrés Montero García, Narciso Paz Canalejo and Francisco Salinas Ramos.

The School of Cooperative Studies has been operating as a business school specialising in joint venture companies since 1990. It develops its activity in the field of university training and theoretical research, mainly using the promotion of doctoral theses. Also in the applied research area, it develops advisory and consultancy services linked to cooperatives and other companies that have a joint venture structure.

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