Una proyección espectacular

A spectacular projection of gratitude

The neighbours living in Les Corts  showed their gratitude to the professionals working at the Hospital de Barcelona through some spectacular projections. The initiative was launched by the Ortuño family who live opposite the back walls of the Hospital de Barcelona and every night, from their balcony, they projected a message of support for all those who were fighting against coronavirus, to which they added music. Other neighbours, friends and family members soon joined the initiative, sending messages through an Instagram account to be projected and the phenomenon went viral. The hospital’s personnel thanked the support from the windows with banners and placards.

Brief news

Assistència Sanitària’s website has constantly given information about the evolution of the pandemic, offering advice on hygiene and prevention topics, as well as guidelines to cope with psychological stress caused by the lockdown. Additionally, home care services continued to work, using tele-medicine resources. All of these steps were taken in cooperation with the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya and with the other relevant authorities.

Hospital de Barcelona took over all the oncological and urgent surgery from the Parc de Salut Mar – formed by the hospitals of El Mar and La Esperanza, amongst others. It also took charge of the critical coronavirus patients from other public centres, as a mechanism to relieve the public health system and allow all the users access to treatment against Covid-19.


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