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360 sports: Which physical activity benefits us most?

A complete sport is one that exercises a wide range of physical and mental skills, offering benefits for health and general well-being.

BY Compartir | 08 January 2024

Physical activity, along with a good diet, is a basic element to guarantee good health. In fact, according to the World Health Organisation, regular, suitable physical exercise, including any corporal movement that requires energy, can reduce the risk of many diseases, such as high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes or depression. 


Choosing the right activity

To do this, it is recommended carrying out a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity each week. These 150 minutes per week bring many other essential benefits for people, such as an improvement in learning skills, the growth and development of healthy bones in young people or the prevention of injuries in the elderly; it reduces mortality by 33% compared to non-active people and it improves physical fitness, influencing self-esteem and a general feeling of well-being. 

To some extent, therefore, any sport directly benefits our health. However, each sport works different muscle groups and techniques. For this reason we must find an activity that adapts to our goals and physical condition. 

For example, while yoga is a good option to improve flexibility and relax the mind, football can put resistance and tactics into practice. But there are also disciplines that demand many of these elements and that work equally on the physical, mental and technical levels thanks to their combination of skills, meaning that these are the most complete sports. 

Top five most complete sports

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