IV Painting Award with the collaboration of the ASISA Foundation

IV Painting Award with the collaboration of the ASISA Foundation

The Royal National Academy of Medicine of Spain presents this annual contest highlighting the Portrait of D. Pedro Laín Entralgo.

The Royal National Academy of Medicine of Spain organizes its annual awards competition with the aim of publicly recognizing the work of Spanish medical professionals, including the Painting Award.   

The theme of this year’s competition will be Portrait of D. Pedro Laín Entralgo. The paintings must be submitted to the RANME headquarters between May 20 and 31, 2024, and all the works presented will be exhibited in the rooms of the Royal Corporation’s headquarters from June 10 to July 15, 2024

The winner’s work will become part of the rich heritage treasured by this institution, remaining its property and being able to be exhibited temporarily or permanently.

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