Oficina central del Centro Coordinador  de Urgencias (CCU) de ASISA.

The Emergency Coordinating Centre (CCU) celebrates its 25th anniversary

Amongst its services, the CCU coordinates transfers in healthcare transport; it gives medical attention by telephone 24/7 and it manages ASISA’s Dr. Virtual.

ASISA’s Emergency Coordinating Centre (CCU in its Spanish initials), is celebrating 25 years since its establishment in 1995, when the Homecare Network (RAD in Spanish) was created. Over these years, this unit, which was set up to give medical homecare to insurance policyholders in the city of Madrid, has increased its functions and has become the current CCU, an essential element in ASISA’s comprehensive emergency care.

The development of the CCU allows ASISA policy holders access, through a call to a free, single telephone number, from anywhere in Spain, to a first care response for any health problem, ranging from a mundane pathology to a real emergency. On the other end of the telephone there is a team of emergency medical technicians, who answer the emergency calls 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and they have the continuous support of coordinator doctors to assign the most suitable resources for each patient. Over these years, ASISA’s Emergency Coordinating Centre has undergone a constant transformation to adapt to the technology and incorporate the latest tools.

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