
Assistència Sanitària

The neighbours living in Les Corts  showed their gratitude to the professionals working at the Hospital de Barcelona through…

Assistència Sanitària
The pandemic caused by Covid-19 forced the Hospital de Barcelona to redesign and adapt its services, teams and infrastructures, while continuing to…

In the first weeks of the pandemic, the ASISA Group started up the tele-medicine service, Asisa LIVE, attended by the specialists…

The commitment made by the ASISA Group to develop its own healthcare network puts the Hospital HLA Universitario Moncloa amongst the best in Spain
Assistència Sanitària
The basketball, handball, indoor football and roller hockey sections will display the Assistència Sanitària logotype until June, 2024

The initiative by the ASISA Group, Training in medical ethics received one of the awards from…

Fundación ESPRIU

Social Economy companies, such as Asisa or Assistència Sanitària have an added socio-economic…


Fundación ASISA awarded the prizes and fellowships of the university chairs that the company…

Assistència Sanitària

Karabulai Fati

In December, this young patient, from Guinea-Bissau was operated on in…


Transmural Biotech

The biotechnology company with a majority participation by ASISA,…

Assistència Sanitària

The Hospital de Barcelona has completed the complete refurbishment of the surgical area, incorporating the most advanced equipment and technology…

Assistència Sanitària
She takes the position over from M. Teresa Basurte, who has been the cooperative’s leader since 2007