La Fundación Espriu, prominent amongst the healthcare cooperatives around the world
The World Cooperative Monitor report has emphasised the scope and growth of the activity of the institutions forming the Fundación Espriu. The report, published by the International Cooperative Alliance and the European Research Institute on Cooperatives and Social Enterprises, compiles data from the 300 largest cooperatives in the world and amongst them it classified the Fundación Espriu network in second place in the healthcare ranking according to invoicing volume, managing to maintain the position it held from the previous year.
The report also establishes a classification taking the per capita income of the country where the cooperative carries out its activity into account. This indicator, which in the case of the Fundación Espriu puts it in fifth place, shows the size of the company in terms of Spanish productivity and economic development.
According to the report, the economic turnover of the Top 300 cooperatives as a whole rises to 1.77 billion Euros. Taking their geographical location into account, 88 companies are on the American continent, 166 in Europe and 46 in the region of Asia and the Pacific.
Download here the World Cooperative Monitor report 2021.